Press Pass Info
Professional & Freelance Photographers, Videographers, and Journalists
Use Your World Press Pass To Gain Access and Get Up Close
Capture the Best Pictures and Video Coverage with Your...
Official Picture Stock World Press Pass;
A Better Way To Get Better Pictures!
Gain Media Access to Sports, Concerts, News, Celebrities, Fashion Shows or any event you wish

The Problems We Solve
We get you into events for free with our press pass so that you can take pictures, video, report or blog.
Upload your images & video for FREE and get paid when your work is published in newspapers, magazines, websites and aired on TV or simply sell them on your own
It has never been easier for citizen journalists, stringers, bloggers, editors, and freelancers to get this kind of access; finally, your problem has been solved!
Your pictures or video will be beamed around the world so clients can view, purchase and download them instantly
Imagine the Adrenaline...When Your Pictures & Videos are Published or Televised
Get paid when your Pictures and Videos are sold…
All you need is a World Press Pass to get you there!
Accept no substitute. Show the PRESS CARD that is used by thousands of media professionals and citizen journalists to get into events and get up close to shoot breathtaking Pictures and Video
Receive an Accreditation Certificate & Media Vehicle ID with every World Press Pass Kit & Shipping is Always Free!
Helping photographers and journalists sell their work since 1997
Try it. Test it. Love it or Return it.
Here is a list of reasons and benefits why you should order your Picture Stock World Press Pass Now!
Cover any event you want including sports, concerts (including backstage), news, fashion, celebrities, fashion shows, business conferences and everything the media covers. Email ahead to get on the media list then show your World Press Pass at the media gate and get escorted to the press area - it’s that simple. This is your admission ticket to cover events….always free.
Receive a Free Media Vehicle Dashboard Card and a Certificate of Accreditation with all World Press Pass kits.
Use the Picture Stock World Press Pass to gain access and to get up close to events and scenes. Capture prize-winning and front page pictures. Receive a photo credit printed below each published photo once published. (Photo credits are optional).
Use your new media credentials to take pictures, work as a reporter, journalist or blogger and shoot a video for TV or report for radio stations.
News can break anytime, anywhere. With the Picture Stock World Press Pass you can shoot news events for your local newspaper or upload your best pictures to our partner websites free of charge and they will syndicate your pictures/video to hundreds of newspapers, magazines, websites and news outlets around the world instantly. Since news photos are time sensitive material, picture editors monitor the Picture Desk 24/7 - 365 days a year ready to receive and distribute your images as they are uploaded. See your work published the next day or next month for monthly publications or within minutes on websites.
Buyers; some of which include designers, magazine/newspaper editors, online editors, advertising and marketing agencies and publishers will instantly view, purchase and download your images around the world. Get paid each time your pictures and videos are downloaded.
Use your World Press Pass for your own personal use with no restrictions whatsoever or work for a third party. Photographers and journalists are wanted in every corner of the globe.
Our World Press Pass is ideal for freelancers, professional photographers, students, bloggers, members of the media/press or anyone who wants to cover events for our media partners, for themselves or for another agency. Use it to work part-time, full-time or anytime. We make it easy for you to be working and contributing as a citizen journalist.
Your new World Press Pass will make you look good and professional. You will now be a member of the Picture Stock Worldwide Media Group.
Receive a new professional, unique and custom Press Pass holder with four secure compartments included so you can wear it around your neck and carry your press pass, business cards, pen etc. Free of charge with every World Press Pass order.
Avoid imitations, free press pass offers online, fakes and homemade passes since these may all be illegal. Save your money and buy from a legitimate picture organization such as Picture Stock Worldwide. We have been in business since 1997. Thousands of photographers use our World Press Pass each day for their livelihoods. Avoid buying a Press Card from a company that does not help you sell or distribute your images and video.
Receive a volume discount for World Press Pass orders of 10 or more when ordered at the same time. We can ship the World Press Pass to each individual person on your team, school or photo club or we can ship to one location. This is ideal for staff photographers, photography clubs, a team of bloggers, organizations, media outlets, schools, community newspapers, magazines, web publishers, video/TV organizations etc. Simply send us an email for more information. And remember, shipping is always FREE! One single payment is required for group orders.
24/7 online support for all World Press Pass holders..
Use your World Press Pass anywhere worldwide as often as you like. You have waited long enough. Order Now & Live Your Dream
“No questions asked, 100% thirty-day money back guarantee if you can’t honestly state this World Press Pass has empowered you with your career, getting you into events and up close to the action you wish to cover for the best pictures and video.
If you don’t enjoy the results within the first thirty days of receiving and using your World Press Pass then we don’t deserve your money. You have every right to ask for a No Questions Asked - on the spot refund less shipping. And if you decide you want a refund, no hard feelings on our part whatsoever. Were cool with that! We treat our customers like we would like to be treated. That’s just the kind of company we are!” Just send us a quick email.
You Risk Nothing...
Order your World Press Pass Today and...
...Get 'This Close' to all the Action
Shoot sports from the sidelines, rink side or track-side
Get up close to shoot the Best International Editorial Front Page News Pictures
Get up close to shoot famous celebrities
Get up close to shoot concerts from the edge of the stage
Shoot local news for your hometown newspaper or upload them to our Picture Stock Worldwide news partners
Attend fashion shows and have your work published in fashion magazines worldwide and/or online
Why you need legitimate Press Credentials
In order to keep up with other media photographers, videographers, and journalists and be able to shoot with them from the best seats, sidelines and to have the closest media access, you will need a recognized Press Pass which is attached to actual picture distribution agencies and this is where we will help you. We have provided thousands of photographers, videographers and journalists in over 140 countries press credentials since 1997. This is all we do. This is our passion. When you attach yourself to us, you are allowing yourself to get up close for the best possible coverage. We do everything we can to help our journalists do the best job they can since what you shoot will be seen by hundreds of thousands, sometimes millions of people once your work is uploaded and published. You are the eyes of the public.
Once you place your order and wait patiently for your cool press pass package to arrive, start to think of all the games and concerts you want to cover standing or sitting in the best seats close to all the action.
Picture yourself wearing your new World Press Pass and heading directly to the media entrance instead of waiting in line with the general public with a paid ticket to an event. For the best pictures and video, you need the best seats in the house and this is what our credentials will do for you. The one thing you do not want to do is sit in the stands with the general public while covering an event.
The media always has the best seats in the house. Event promoters know it is you (the media) that will showcase their event to the masses in the pages of newspapers and magazines, televised and online which is what they want. You need to be on the sidelines at football, basketball and soccer games….at the edge of the stage during concerts and at the front lines to cover news events. Your pictures and video will simply not sell unless you are up close to all the action. Some journalists purchase tickets to events, however, trying to get coverage from general public seating simply doesn’t work. Our press credentials will allow you to get into the events you wish free of charge and you sit as close to the action as possible. It’s that simple.
Now imagine the pictures, video or news coverage you will capture….but most importantly, seeing your pictures published the next day or seeing your video on the evening news. Being proud of what you have accomplished as a journalist. You will start to get an adrenaline rush especially when you see your photo credits printed below your pictures and this will happen over and over again as you continue to use your World Press Pass. An awesome experience to say the least. We know...we have been there.
It’s easy to order your World Press Pass kit. Do it now while it is on your mind. We are standing by to process your order and get it out to you as soon as we can. If you have any questions, visit our FAQ section or send an email to our World Support Team 24/7.
"Order a Picture Stock World Press Pass today for a tremendous opportunity to shoot and sell your pictures and videos worldwide. Then see your work published or aired."
“If you should ever experience a problem with your World Press Pass order, email us 24/7 and we will resolve the issue!” Tony Costa - CEO, Picture Stock Worldwide Inc |
ORDER ONLINE: It's Guaranteed Safe, Secure & Fast!
No set-up, admin or hidden fees ever...The price you see is what you pay and shipping is always FREE!
Receive a Media Vehicle ID Dashboard Card & an Accreditation Certificate with every World Press Pass Kit
Email your head-shot picture to us once you have placed your order online in JPEG format up to 3MB like this sample:
As a member of the media, even if you are only working on a part-time basis, you may take advantage of deep discounts reserved personally for members of the press/media.
Your World Press Pass may get you special discounts reserved only for members of the media when purchasing brand products, hotel reservations, car rentals, airline tickets, cruises, computers and software, cell phones, trade shows, exhibitions, concerts, dining out, clothing etc...
Simply show your World Press Pass and ask a manager what discounts members of the Working Press are entitled to.
Many establishments may offer a discount of 10% - 40% or more in hopes of getting their business featured in the media either now or in the future and receive beneficial coverage.
Why Every Photographer, Videographer & Journalist need a Genuine Agency Press Pass
Unlock Your Potential and see what we can do for you!
Would you like to get into events and sit in the best seats doing what you love? Your passion for photography starts right here and we can help you. By obtaining a Picture Stock World Press Pass, you will be a part of the media and granted permission to cover all types of events and then you may get see your work published the next day. Imagine that!
Thousands of photographers around the world use their Picture Stock World Press Pass every day and rely on it to gain access to events covered by the media and hundreds more join each month. Some of these events include professional sports, concerts and entertainment shows including backstage access, press conferences, movie and show premiers, celebrity signing sessions, red carpet events, breaking news, local news and events, protests, wars, world leader conferences, politics, fashion shows, film festivals, conventions and any event the media covers. It gets even better.

By ordering a Picture Stock World Press Pass, you can immediately start shooting events and getting paid to do what you love. Allow your passion for photography to start earning you a recurring income when your pictures and video are uploaded and sold through our partner websites over and over again.
You will be an official and respected member of the media and receive all the benefits and perks that media personal are accustom to. You are going to enjoy the first class and prestigious treatment members of the media receive doing their job. Let us explain.
Whether you are a professional photographer working at a newspaper, a freelance photographer, a journalism student or just starting out in photography, you will need a legitimate Press Pass to gain entry into events. Event organizers need the media to cover their events in order to receive free publicity. They will open their arms to you for covering their event. The free advertising they get in return is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to their organization, image, and brand.
Without a Press Pass, you will not be able to have media access to any of these events preventing you from taking the best possible photos. You will not be able to get up close or worse, not be able to have any access to the event(s) you wish to cover at all.
As a photographer, if you want to be taken seriously in your profession, you will need a legitimate Press Pass and you must be working for a reputable media organization such as Picture Stock Worldwide in order to be accepted to cover events. Media photographers whose work involves gathering material for editorial use in publications or websites benefit greatly with our Media Credentials / Press Pass.
Now for the best part.......
Stand or sit on the sidelines at football, basketball, soccer, baseball, and hockey games or at any sporting event both professional and/or college and university games. Shoot concerts from the edge of the stage and have access to the backstage. Get up close to performers and celebrities. Shoot breaking news from the front lines and get right into the action for the best possible pictures. You can only have this kind of access when you are working for a legitimate picture or news agency such as Picture Stock Worldwide with a genuine Press Pass around your neck.

Shoot for your local newspaper or TV station and use your World Press Pass to gain entry into the events you wish to cover. Staff photographers from major news organizations also use our press credentials in their line of work as an extra piece of identification. You want to look professional when taking pictures with other members of the media. Without a Press Pass, you will be standing or sitting with the general public far from the action instead of up close where the media are situated. You will be able to tell officials that you are on assignment for Picture Stock Worldwide, a major news and stock picture distribution agency. It is embarrassing to be asked for press credentials only to say you do not have any. No one will take you seriously. We have solved that problem for you and we will always back you up anytime the need arises. Look and feel professional at all times.

Your New Picture Stock World Press Pass
Your new Media Credentials (World Press Pass) will have your picture along with your full name, Picture Stock Worldwide Photographer ID number and the expiry date electronically printed on it. You will also receive a new professional custom World Press Pass holder with four secure compartments so you can wear it around your neck and carry your Press Pass, ID, business cards, pen etc. All World Press Passes are electronically recorded at Picture Stock Worldwide headquarters so that event organizers can call or email us anytime to confirm and verify whether a photographer is registered with us or not. 94% of our Press Pass holders renew their Picture Stock World Press Pass for one reason – it works! Our photographers know that without our World Press Pass, they would not be able to work for themselves since they would not be allowed into events. Many of our photographers rely on our World Press Pass for their livelihoods. Our World Press Pass is valid in every country worldwide and it is a great source of picture identification and shows you are working for a professional organization and picture agency. Media personnel can never have too many credentials around their neck. To do a professional job, you need to look professional.
In order to gain access to upcoming events that you may want to cover, photographers are asked to contact the media relations department for the event they wish to cover in advance. You must first register or sign up with the event organizers before being allowed on their media list and covering their event. Some events limit the number of photographers and therefore the earlier you contact the media relations department for the event, the greater your chances become of gaining access.
Explain to them that you are a professional working photographer and that you have picture ID press credentials from Picture Stock Worldwide. Tell them that you would like to be added to their media list for the upcoming event.
Click on the media link on their website for the event you wish to cover. In most cases, events will have a press section where an application can be filled out online and submitted electronically. If you do not see a press or media link on their website, call or email the media relations department for the event you wish to cover. This should be done several weeks prior to the event taking place.
If the event organizer has not dealt with Picture Stock Worldwide in the past, you can have them visit our website or explain to them that Picture Stock Worldwide is a news picture agency. Photographers shoot events for us from around the world, upload their best images to our partner websites which then make those images available to newspapers, magazines, and news, sports and entertainment websites around the world.
When Covering An Event
Once you have been accepted to cover an event, you must go to the media entrance or gate and present your Picture Stock Worldwide credentials at the time of entry on the event date. Your name should be on their media list upon arrival. You will then be given credentials from the media relations staff or they will mail your event credentials directly to you prior to you attending. You will be asked to wear both Press Credentials (ours and theirs) at all times while you are working at the event.

Obey the rules that are presented to you and make your way to the press gallery or media location to begin shooting the event. When shooting concerts, keep in mind you are only allowed to stay for the first few songs depending on what the promoters allow you. You will be advised upon entry.
Always wear your Press Credentials around your neck and never refuse to show it up close when asked. Do not interfere with other photographers or spectators who have paid to watch or emergency crews at breaking news locations. Use your best judgment when shooting fires or events that may be dangerous in nature. Always shoot from a safe distance. Use the right lens for the event your shooting. Be polite and courteous and please show respect to others. Remember, it is our name you are wearing around your neck.

Shoot pictures at an event and upload them to our partner website for worldwide sales or sell them on your own
Upload the pictures you take at events to our partner websites for global sales or sell them on your own if you wish. Picture Stock Worldwide is affiliated with news, sports, business and entertainment agencies worldwide what are looking for pictures from the hundreds of newsworthy events that happen every day around the globe. Earn a portion of the money clients pay each time one of your images or videos are downloaded and used.
Citizen Journalism – A new way to cover the News & Events
When an editor has a deadline to meet, the first images on his or her computer screen get published - period. First impressions really mean a lot so do your very best at producing the best quality pictures. This may even lead to steady freelance assignments or a job down the road if they like your work and shooting style. If you are shooting local news or events in your hometown for your local newspaper/news website, our Press Pass will help you tremendously. You are welcome to contact your local newspaper on your own once you have shot something locally that may be of interest to the editor. You must contact him or her right away shortly after shooting an event or let them know in advance before you go shoot it. They may even assign you when you call. When you have time-sensitive images from a news event, time means everything when you are dealing with a newspaper and/or an online news website since old news does not sell and may not be accepted.

Citizen journalism is when private individuals do essentially what professional reporters do – report information. This can include writing, taking pictures, recording audio for radio and shooting a video for TV or news websites online.
Some individuals do it as a hobby while others may still be in college or university taking journalism and going out on the field while others do this on a full time or part time freelance basis as their livelihood.
This type of work is exciting as one will not know what he or she will be covering on any given date. The adrenaline is what keeps some doing this type of work for so long since it is very exciting. Some will travel where the news is at the drop of a hat while others prefer to cover news locally.
The other main feature of citizen journalism is that it’s usually found online. In fact, the emergence of social media, blogs, podcasts, streaming video and other web related innovations – is what has made citizen journalism possible.

The internet gave average people the ability to transmit information, pictures, video and audio files globally. That was a power once reserved for only the very largest media corporations and news agencies.....but not anymore. Picture Stock Worldwide plays a huge role with citizen journalists every day from around the globe. While some will contact a newspaper, magazine or TV station on their own if they have some newsworthy content, pictures or video to offer, while others prefer to upload directly to our partner websites directly. In either case, we just want the content to get out there and fast.
While anyone can be at the right place at the right time and capture an amazing picture or shoot some great video of an unfolding event, those who want to do this type of work on a regular basis will need a Press Pass to get through police lines so that they are separated from the general public.
Having a Picture Stock World Press Pass around your neck will tell officials that you are working for the press and therefore access should be granted.

Receive Tear Sheets of your Published Pictures
See your work published in major publications and websites along with your photo credit at the bottom of each picture. Seeing your name and work in print or on the web is the most satisfying feeling a photographer can experience. We can help accomplish that ultimate goal for you as we do for hundreds of photographers around the world. A World Press Pass is like a free entry ticket for a working photographer or journalist. We let you know how to obtain a copy of the newspaper or magazine in which your work was published. These tear sheets will become your greatest asset when you apply for jobs in the journalism field. You will quickly see all the benefits and value of your new World Pass Pass the same week you receive it.
7 Important Steps to Consider when Ordering a Press Pass
- Avoid a Press Pass that reads Freelance on it since most media events and emergency services will NOT take you seriously and will most likely not grant you access or entry.
- Avoid scams on the internet selling fake Press Passes with no agency to back them up and avoid free press pass offers online as they simply will not help you at all. You get what you pay for.
- Never try to make your own Press Pass or use a template representing a company, agency or publication as this is illegal and fraudulent. You may even be charged with fraud.
- Make sure the company selling the Press Pass is a legitimate picture agency and will respond to your questions or concerns.
- The agency will allow you to use their Press Pass for your own personal use.
- The company offers a money-back guarantee.
Picture Stock Worldwide is simply your best choice when you need a Press Pass - Period!
Avoid imitations…order a Press Pass from a legitimate picture agency who will actually sell your pictures and video to buyers worldwide through a huge Global Syndication Network

Be cautious when ordering a press pass from companies on the Internet who only sell press pass cards and nothing else. Most of these are fake press passes. These cards will NOT get you into any event and these companies will not send out letters on company letterhead on your behalf to gain access to events since they do not sell pictures. Some will go so far as to sell press passes that cost $200+ per year which will NOT allow you to any event. Officials can contact us anytime to confirm that you are a registered photographer with our agency. You will be able to upload your images to our partner websites and sell them worldwide which is not the case with others selling press passes online. Save your time and hard earned money and order a legitimate Press Pass from a reputable agency like Picture Stock Worldwide at an affordable and reasonable price.
Do you know someone who would benefit from our World Press Pass? Please tell them to visit our website and share the great news.